Help shape the future of HugeRTE by completing this survey!
We need your feedback to help us prioritize our next features and improve HugeRTE.
By submitting this form, you agree that we may use, modify, and distribute your input for any or no reason and in any form whatsoever, including sharing the results of this survey with others, privately or publicly. This form is not intended to be used for submitting any sensitive or GDPR-controlled data. Your survey data will be saved without a connection to your IP address. If you want to contact us privately, please email us instead.
All fields in this survey are optional; you only need to answer the ones that you want to.
Are you using HugeRTE for a personal, commercial or other type of project?
Are you still using TinyMCE or any other WYSIWYG editor for some projects of yours? If yes, which version of them?
Do you miss any of the commercial TinyMCE features in HugeRTE?
Which features do you think we should add to HugeRTE in the short term?
Which features do you think we should add to HugeRTE in the long term?
Which APIs of the HugeRTE editor are you using in addition to the hugerte.init
method, or in a setup callback in this method? Are there any refinements to these APIs that you would like to see?
Are you bundling HugeRTE into your frontend bundle, copying/accessing the distribution/node_modules folder of it directly or loading it from a CDN like jsDelivr? Which build tools (Rollup, Vite, Webpack etc.) are you using / which CDN do you use (if applicable)?
Are you using any framework like React, Vue, Svelte, Van.js, Angular, Blazor, jQuery, Ruby on Rails, etc.? If yes, which one? If you are using React or Vue, are you using the integrations we provide for them?
If HugeRTE would accept donations and provide a paid support plan (e.g. by telephone; investigation of errors in complicated code bases / non-open source plugins created by you) for financial supporters in the future, how likely is it that you would use it?
Do you have any other ideas or suggestions for HugeRTE?